• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: angelicalez25
  • hace 2 años

Alguién que me ayudé por favor!!! ​



Respuesta dada por: miguela8631


1. There is a tomatoe on the table.

2. How many apples there are in the fridge?

3. There isn't any cucumber.

4. There aren't any watermelon in the farm.

5. How much sugar do you need?

6. How much coffee do you want?

1. There is a cat next to the door.

Negative: There isn't a cat next to the door.

Interrigative: Is there a cat next to the door?

2. There are some students in the classroom.

Negative: There are no students in the classroom

Interrogative: Are there students in the classroom?

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