• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: murrietajennifer16
  • hace 2 años

shopping centres are everywhere! do you want to meet your friends,look at
the shops, eat something, see a film, go bowling, go dancing? you can do all
these things and more in some shopping centres, but are they a good or a
bad thing? in this week's magazine, we ask people what they think.
Joanne. 14: they are great places to come with friends. On saturdays we are
often here all day. we sop, we chat and we have fun. there are lots of things to
do. i'm waiting for my friends now. we're going bowling and then for a
Emily. 13: really hate shopping centres. they're expensive and they're all the
same. I prefer active things like playing sports or going to the country. here
it's just spend, spend, spend! i'm here now because i'm buying a present for a
friend and there aren't any shops in my village. but i don't usually come. so as
you can see, there are different opinions about shopping centres. good? bad?
you decide!
Two sentences in the SIMPLE PRESENT
Two sentences in the PRESENT CONTINUOUS
Two adjectives​


Respuesta dada por: amandavannig


hi, how are you



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