• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Elchachaspro
  • hace 2 años

me ayudan porfavor :( xd​



Respuesta dada por: emmazuzunaga


1 did they give you a lot of gifts?

2 stayed in korea all summer?

3 did he tell you all about his trip?

4 did you move here in february?

5 Terry flew to Minneapolis?

6 Did we go home late last night?

7 did they come to the parties together?

8 Carla and dave met as children?

9 worked at that firm for many years?

10 did you feel much better after the operation?

11 the meeting started on time?

12 did I pass all my exams?

13 did they put him in advanced class?

14 Did I give you my cell phone number?

15 did the crowd wait a long time to see the president?

espero te ayude

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