• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: oxicode28
  • hace 2 años

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Respuesta dada por: danielamvg


2 - When did the Second World War finish?

  • It finished in 1945

3 - When did Neil Armstrong land on the moon?

  • He landed on the moon in 1969

4 - When did mobile phones first appear?

  • They first appeared in 1985

5 - When did John Logie Baird invent the television?

  • He invented the television in 1925

6 - When did George Harrison die?

  • He died in 2001

7 - When did Bill Gates invent Microsoft?

  • He started Microsoft in 1975

(La 4 fue en 1973, pero esa fecha no viene entre las opciones).

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