• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: julianabenavides897
  • hace 2 años

Actividad No. 3

a. Write the correct form of the verbs to form the second conditional:
1. If I were (be) you, I would get (get) a new job.
2. If he ______ (be) younger, He _______________ (travel) more.
3. If we __________ (not/be) friends, I ___________ (be) angry with you.
4. She __________ (be) happier if she ___________ (have) more friends.
5. We __________ (buy) a new house if we ________ (decide) to stay here.
6. If you ________ (have) a better job, we __________ (be) able to buy a new car.
7. If we __________ (win) the lottery, we __________ (travel) around the world.
8. They __________ (go) to Spain on holyday if they _________ (like) hot weather.
9. We __________ (come) to dinner if we ________ (have) time.
10. If she _______ (pass) the exam, she __________ (be) able to enter to the university.
b. Now, we are going to practice negative and interrogative conditionals; choose the correct word.

1. - It wasn’t / would be so cold, if you would close/ closed the windows.

2. If I didn’t feel / wouldn’t feel better, I wouldn’t go / didn’t go running.

3. .- I wouldn’t buy/ didn’t buy the tickets if Paula didn’t come/ wouldn’t come with me.

4. We didn’t ask/ wouldn’t ask if it wouldn’t be / wasn’t necessary.

5. What would you do / did you do if you would win/ won the lottery?

6. Where did you go / would you go if you would be / were on holidays?

quien me ayuda
se los agradecería un montón ​


Respuesta dada por: mariacaande70

espero te ayuden con eso

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