• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 6145148479h
  • hace 2 años

¿Me pueden ayudar a resolver los siguientes problemas?
Escribe WAS o WERE según corresponda en cada oración
1- I_ happy
2- Where_ you born?
3- In 1979, home consoles_ very cheap
4- The tetris_ an American game
5- Sega Rally_ a racing game
6- Who_ your first teacher?
7- When_ your last birthday?
8- What_ your favorite subjects last year?
9- Where_ you at 8 o'clook this morning?
10- Alice_ my best friend
Por favor, me urge ​


Respuesta dada por: ralseithebadass
1- I was happy
2- Where were you born?
3- In 1979, home consoles were very cheap
4- The Tetris was an American game
5- Sega Rally was a racing game
6- Who was your first teacher?
7- When was your last birthday
8- What were your favorite subjects last year?
9- Where were you at 8 o’clock this morning?
10- Alice was my best friend

6145148479h: Graciaaaas <3
ralseithebadass: Felíz de ayudarle ^^
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