The director slammed his script to the floor in disgust. This was the eighth take. The eighth time his leading actor had blown the scene.
The actor, dressed in prison fatigues, looked across the open set. It was designed to resemble a small, stark attorney – client room in a state prison.
“What’s that stupid director’s problem now?” he muttered to himself.
“Tony… Tony… please, come here…” From off stage a man waved. Begrudgingly, Tony strolled over.
“What is it, Jim?”
Jim handed the actor a cup of juice. “Hey, man, relax. Take it easy. You just about got this one in the can.”
“I know…”
“Look, a couple more scenes and we can take off somewhere; blow some of that money they’re paying you.”
“You’re right, Jim.” Tony grinned at the thought and took a sip. “I’m just letting this part get to me, that’s all.”
“That’s what makes you such a great actor. You get into your character.”
Jim was right. Tony would listen to his friend. After all, Tony trusted him with his life. Jim had never let him down.
Jim and Tony grew up in Joplin, Missouri. Jim, Tony and Jim’s kid sister Melinda were fast friends, inseparable. It seemed only natural by the time they were in high school Tony and Melinda would be romantically involved. Jim welcomed the relationship.
The summer before senior year brought a rival for Melinda’s attention. Brad Stockton was a transfer student, rich, obnoxious and used to getting what he wanted. When Melinda refused him, Brad had nearly raped her. His father’s money and influence covered up the incident. But Tony plotted revenge.
Tony and Jim lured Brad to a remote lake on the premise of possessing evidence that would send him to jail. When Brad arrived Tony was waiting at the water’s edge. Venting his anger he coldly struck Brad across the head with a rock.
With Jim’s help, they stripped the unconscious boy to his shorts, tossing him into a shallow section of the lake. The incident was ruled an accident: the boy had struck his head while swimming and drowned.
Tony and Melinda eventually split up. The two boys never spoke of Brad’s death again. That was over twenty years ago. Tony Howard was now one of Hollywood’s leading men. He commanded top billing, top pay, and his pick of leading ladies. Jim became Tony’s trusted agent.
“Ok, ok… I get it!” Tony shouted at the director, not caring who heard. “Get off my back.”
Tony’s outbursts were becoming a regular part of the daily shooting. He constantly missed cues and fumbled lines. When asked, he angrily shrugged it off, blaming it on a sudden migraine. At one point the studio considered replacing him. But Tony always managed to finish the scene, usually to the raves of studio execs viewing the daily rushes.
historia hecha por BJ Neblett