• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jalluratus7247
  • hace 2 años

Complete the text with the places from the box.

movie theater / nightclubs / parks / restaurants / shopping mall / supermarket / train station

Luis: Are you new to the city?
Molly: Yes, I am
Luis: Well, this is a great place. There are good (1)------------------all over town. Italian, Chinese,
Indian... you name it, we have it. There's a (2)-------------------on the corner. It's small, but it has
things like bread and milk. Near here, there's also a big, modern (3)------------------It has lots of stores
to buy clothes, Shoes... everything, really. There's a (4)--------------------there, too. I love movies, and
the popcorn there is also good. If you like to go out at night, there are two (5)-------------------Dance
until 5 am if you want to! The (6)---------------------is near here, so it's easy to travel out of town. We
have three beautiful, green (7)-----------------------They're great for relaxing.
Molly: Well, it sounds perfect!


Respuesta dada por: raysupermancy

Respuesta:  (1) restaurants  (2) supermarket  (3) shopping mall  (4) movie theater  (5) nightclubs   (6) train station  (7)parks


raysupermancy: espero que te sirva :)
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