How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected businesses´relationship to Cloud computing?


Respuesta dada por: majarosalesarq

COVID-19 has turned out to be a rapid test of massive digitization for the whole of society and especially for companies.

COVID-19 is testing a number of sectors of society, some with low levels of digitization. However, for companies and organizations that had cloud technology integrated into their technological portfolio, the impact has been less, since it has allowed them to decentralize operations in an agile way.

With the pandemic, teleworking has become the main technological trend of 2020 and 2021.

Indeed, the need to adopt teleworking strategies has been a catalyst for the adoption of cloud technologies in many companies, from SMEs to large corporations. They have had to implement solutions that allow their workers to fulfill their task without the need to share a physical space, a challenge that I think we will pass with good marks.

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