• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: LopesROploe
  • hace 2 años

Write the nouns from the box in plural and put them in the correct place.

pencil, baby, church, potato, woman, company, wife, glass, life, kiss, man, mouse, zoo, foot, water, video, class, wolf, school, teacher, box, boy, candy, city



Respuesta dada por: arianarennis


Add s:

Pencils - mouses - zoos - waters - videos - schools - teachers - boys

Add es:

Churches - potatoes - glasses - kisses - kisses - boxes

Change y into i add es:

Babies - companies - candies - cities

Change f into v add es:

Wives - wolves - lives -


Women - men - feet -

Espero haberte ayudado<3:

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