• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dayanavch200868
  • hace 3 años

me responden bien o si no denuncio
help me!
Which sports do you play’
Which sports do you watch on TV?
Which sports are popular in your country?
Who is your favorite national sportspersons?
help my!
I give crown


Respuesta dada por: charlizesoto11


i practice Soccer

i see Soccer in the tv

in my country the soccer is very popular

Michael Phelps is my favorite sportperson

xavsxavs: Tus respuestas están mal gramaticalmente
charlizesoto11: I speak English, don't you?
dayanavch200868: tanks
charlizesoto11: you're welcome!
xavsxavs: Charlize tu respuesta está mal
charlizesoto11: why? is homework? is it a task or something formal?
Respuesta dada por: xavsxavs
1) I like playing football.
2) Sometimes, I watch tennis on TV.
3) In my country, football is very popular.
4) My favorite national sportsperson is Canelo.
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