• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: quinterorodriguezyer
  • hace 2 años

por favor ayudenme con la tarea


TigresaBlancaUvU: se ve borroso ( ͠❛ . ❛)


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

Respuesta: Hola :D

Yes-no questions

Mark / teacher

Is Mark a teacher?

No, he isn't


He / at the cinema

Is he at the cinema?

Yes, he is


Tom / happy

Is Tom happy?

No, he isn't


She / at home

Is she at home?

Yes, she is


He / like vegetables

Does he like vegetables?

No, he doesn't


She / know the answer

Does she know the answer?

Yes, she does


They / play the trumpet

Do they play the trumpet?

No, they don't


They / bored

Are they bored?

No, they aren't


It / your birthday

Is it your birthday?

Yes, it is


You / ill

Are you ill?

Yes, I am


They / friends

Are they friends?

Yes, they are


You / like pizza

Do you like pizza?

Yes, we do


Mary / tired

Is mary tired?

Yes, she is


They / at the playground

Are they at the playground?

No, they aren't


It / a present

Is it a present?

Yes, it is


They / travel by plane

Do they travel by plane?

No, they don't


Espero te ayude!

Att: alisonkawaii92

TigresaBlancaUvU: .....
Respuesta dada por: Yoonglee

Para realizar preguntas con el verbo to be, debemos recordar con que pronombres se utiliza específicamente cada uno de ellos. Además, es importante seguir la estructura a continuación:

Verbo to be "Am"

  • Am + sujeto + complemento + ?
  • Solo se usa con I.

Verbo to be "Is"

  • Is + sujeto + complemento + ?
  • Se usa con He, She e It.

Verbo to be "Are"

  • Are + sujeto + complemento + ?
  • Se usa con You, We y They.

Ejemplos (ejercicios de la imagen):

  1. Is he at the cinema?
  2. Yes, he is.

  1. Is Tom happy?
  2. No, he isn't.

  1. Is she at home?
  2. Yes, she is.

¡Hola! Sinceramente no pude leer algunos de los ejercicios ya que estaban borrosos y a otros no les encontré mucha coherencia, pero espero que mi ayuda pueda serte útil. ¡Suerte con tu tarea!

Anónimo: Wow... exelente explicación!!
Yoonglee: Muchas gracias <3.
Anónimo: Te mereces la corona uwu
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