• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: hauaari
  • hace 2 años

Pasar estás oraciones a negativo e interrogativo

1. I cooked chicken for lunch
2. They washed the dishes
3. We walked to school
4. They planted flowers outside
5. We drank milk in the morning
6. I gave lots of hugs to my daughter
7. We ate pizza for dinner ​​


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


Cambiar a Negativo e Interrogativo.


1. I didn't cook chicken for lunch.

2. They didn't wash the dishes.

3. We didn't walk to school.

4. They didn't plant flowers outside.

5. We didn't drink milk in the morning.

6. I didn't give lots of hugs to my daughter.

7. We didn't eat pizza for dinner.


1. Did I cook chicken for lunch?

2. Did they wash the dishes?

3. Did we walk to school?

4. Did they plant flowers outside?

5. Did we drink milk in the morning?

6. Did I give lots of hugs to my daughter?

7. Did we eat pizza for dinner?


Estructura del Pasado Simple Negativo.

Sujeto + Didn't + Verbo en forma base + Complemento.

Estructura del Pasado Simple Interrogativo.

Did + Sujeto + Verbo en forma base + Complemento?

hauaari: Muchas gracias
em946481: Muchas gracias
bautisottmmm: me ayudas porfavor
toapantaluis982: no
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