• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: hstefany234
  • hace 9 años

Escribe 10 oraciones afirmativas usando verbos; Luego, cambie en negativo y responda

toooorress: Responda qué?
hstefany234: mmm :(


Respuesta dada por: Dominicristopher
1. We have liked your mother's food
2. He has cleaned my house
3. She has gone to the city
4. She has read that book
5. He has opened the door
6. We have covered up the gift
7. He has died young
8. They have put a food stand
9. She has resolved my game
10. He has broken the jar

Para convertirlas en negativas, solo tienes que cambiar el HAVE por HAVEN'T y el HAS por HASN'T
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