• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: zamoraitzel143
  • hace 2 años

Activity 1. Choose the correct tag question for each positive statement.
He is a good doctor,... *

doesn’t he?
isn’t he?
aren’t he?
wasn’t he?

They were watching a movie earlier,... *

didn’t they?
aren’t they?
weren’t they?
wasn’t they?

We will go skiing before we go to bed,... *

won’t we?
don’t we?
won’t they?

You need a new winter coat,... *

won’t you?
aren’t you?
doesn’t you?
don’t you?

You weren't sleeping... *

won’t you?
were you?
doesn’t you?
don’t you?

Ayuda porfiiis


Respuesta dada por: lovesbyler


1. he is a good doctor.. > isn't he?

2. they were watching a movie earlier..> weren't they?

3. we will go skiing before we go to bed... > won't we?

4. you need a new winter coat.. > don't you?

5. you weren't sleeping... > were you?


1. en "he" se ultiliza "is" por lo tanto iría "isnt"

2. en "they" se utiliza "are" pero como está en pasado el verbo es "were" por lo tanto es "weren't"

3. está "will" que se utiliza en futuro, por lo tanto es "wont"

4. "do" es un adverbio q se utiliza en presente como el sujeto es "you" iría "dont"

5. "werent" es el pasado en negatuvo del verbo to be y como el sujeto es "you" usamos "were"

linacarofrr: Hola me puedes ayudar?

Realiza las siguientes oraciones usando tag questions (preguntas de coletilla)

1. They had been working hard –
2. We won the lottery -
3. She Will visit her grandmother -
4. You can do this –
5. You should eat healthy –
6. We don’t run fast –
7. He is not a lawyer –
8. You didn’t break the glass –
9. They could work in a hospital
10. The dog doesn’t bite
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