• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 9 años

5 ejemplos de oraciones en afirmativo, negativo, interrogativo es simle past


Respuesta dada por: arym29
Afirmativo: I did my homework You ran at the college He ate the pizza She looked at my room We studied for the exam Negativo: You took my pencil They had a new book I wrote a test You cooked a cake He climbed the mountain Interrogativo: Did you know the answer? Did the monkey jump in the trees? Did we took our french class? Did I read the book? Did they brush their teeths?
Respuesta dada por: liceisoverhere
Afirmativo -> 1. Sarah works in a library because she likes reading books. (Sarah trabaja en una librería porque le gusta leer libros) 2. Patty plays the piano very well. (Patty toca el piano muy bien) 3. Helen is watching TV in the living room. (Helen está viendo televisión en la sala de estar) 4. Camille wants to learn how to sing. (Camille quiere aprender cómo cantar) 5. Carlos drinks coffee every morning in breakfast (Carlos toma café todos los días en el desayuno)
Negativo -> 1. Mario doesn´t really like playing basketball. (A Mario no le gusta realmente jugar básquetbol) 2. Jennifer doesn´t want to do her homework (Jennifer no quiere hacer su tarea) 3. Phillip doesn´t know how to dance (Phillip no sabe bailar) 4. Kelly didn´t want to sing in front of all the class (Kelly no quiso cantar frente a toda la clase) 5. Cory didn´t go to the party last night (Cory no fue a la fiesta anoche)
Interrogativo -> 1. Do you want to go to the cinema? (¿Quieres ir al cine?) 2. May I bring you some coffee? (¿Le puedo traer un café?) 3. Do you want to build a snowman? (¿Y si hacemos un muñeco?) 4. Did Mara eat the cookies? (¿Mara se comió las galletas?) 5. Is Betty really moving to London? (¿Realmente Betty se está mudando a Londres?)
Simple Past -> 1. Danna went to visit her cousin yesterday. (Danna fue a visitar a su primo ayer) 2. Judy got the job she wanted (Judy consiguió el empleo que quería) 3. Ralph ate the big pink cake (Ralph se comiío el gran pastel rosa) 4. Pascal made some new friends (Pascal hizo algunos nuevos amigos) 5. In the end, Mabel and her brother won the battle. (Al final, Mabel y su hermano ganaron la batalla)
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