• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: joelacwvedo
  • hace 2 años

Classwork # 3
50 points
Questions In simple present and simple past
Use the following verbs and create your own questions in simple present or simple past. (Do/Does/Did). Examples Does she stay at home? Did she stay at home?
1. Go
2. Be
3. Do
4. Have
5. Take
6. Work
7. Stay
8. Look at
9. Jump
10. Run
11. Learn
12. Practice
13. Play
14. Blow
15. Buy
16. Find
17. Forget
18. Hit
19. Know
20. Write
21. Win
22. Understand
23. Tell
24. Teach
25. Swim
26. Sell
27. Think
28. Sleep
29. Stand
30. Throw


Respuesta dada por: alvaromamanilequipe


mucho texto..........

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