• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: valeria05flores
  • hace 2 años

Questions (change in negative and affirmative form)

Have you finished your resume?
Has he studied for the exam?
Has she cleaned the room?
Have we applied to the program?
Have they traveled to Paris?
Have I eaten my french fries?
Have you talked with your mom?
Has he asked for the address?
Has she painted our kitchen?


Respuesta dada por: mrmadrigal2006



You haven´t finished your resume.

He hasn´t studied for the exam.

She hasn´t cleaned the room.

We haven´t applied to the program.

The haven´t traveled to paris.

I haven´t eaten my french fries.

You haven´t talked with your mon.

He hasn´t asked for the adress.

She hasn´t painted our kitchen.

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