• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: samuelcpino
  • hace 3 años

escribe 10 oraciones en inglés usando el auxiliar Will investiga 10 verbos diferentes a los del punto número uno para este punto arreglas oraciones en forma negativas....... porfa ayuden el profesor es muy canson tiene que estar perfectas las preguntas ayuden en auxiliar Will de forma negativa 10 verbos diferentes alos de la primera pregunta que Ise gracias​


Respuesta dada por: Joshi2005


bueno ....


la 1era pregunta

I will buy a car soon. (Pronto compraré un auto.)

I will make him an offer. (Le haré una propuesta.)

You will stay home today. (Hoy te quedarás en casa.)

You will be home soon. (Pronto llegarás a casa.)

She will wait for a couple of hours. (Ella esperará por un par de horas.)

Sarah will choose the cake. (Sarah eligirá la torta.)

She will become a lawyer. (Ella será abogada.)

John will cook dinner. (John preparará la cena.)

He will call back. (Él regresará la llamada.)

He will go to the supermarket. (Él irá al supermercado.)

punto 3

I won’t talk to you again. (No volveré a hablarte.)

Laura won’t be angry. (Laura no estará enojada.)

I won’t be able to do it. (No seré capaz de hacerlo.)

Mary won’t like it (A Mary no le gustará.)

You won’t come to the party. (No vendrás a la fiesta.)

Michael won’t be late. (Michael no llegará tarde.)

They won’t mind. (A ellos no les importará.)

The dog won’t bark tonight. (El perro no ladrará esta noche.)

They won’t be happy. (No serán felices.)

You won’t enjoy it. (No lo disfrutarás.)

bueno te reduci la tarea solo busca verbos que no aya mencionado suerte

espero haberte ayudado


Respuesta dada por: annamartinez05


Affirmative form:

1. She will cook some pasta for dinner

2. They will have a baby on January

3. We will bake a cake for Kelly's birthday

4. He will grab your keys because he lost the ones he had

5. She will mop the floor after you take out the trash

6. I will buy some clothes to wear for Nikki's party

7. You will change your attitude to a better one

8. Ryan will write a song for his girlfriend

9. They will throw a party for their anniversary

10. The birds will fly if we free them

Negative form:

1. My mom will not/won't wash my school clothes

2. I will not/won't do my homework later, i have to do it right now

3. Maria will not/won't watch the TV because she's grounded

4. Vanessa will not/won't take some photos of her friend's boyfriend to keep them in her album

5. Robert's cousin will not/won't close the doors before we are gone

6. Your best friend will not/won't give me my notebook back until Wednesday

7. Beyonce will not/won't release her next album this year

8. Elouise will not/won't pay me $60 dollars of the clothes she bought because i gave her a discount

9. Harrison will not/won't drink coffee because it makes him feel bad

10. My grandma will not/won't sit anywhere, she has to sit in her special chair

Espero que te sirva :)

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