1-Cambiar las siguientes oraciones a negativo,luego a interrogativo y responder.
EXAMPLE: Laura and Paola read at night
Laura and Paola DON´T read at night.
DO they read at night?
No,they don´t,
1- My parents work at home.
2-Juanes and Shakira sing in Spanish.
3-Camilo and me study in the morning.
4-Cali and Barranquilla have big stadiums.
5-The birds fly in the sky.
6-My father and my brother cook lunch on Saturday.
7-Ruth and Viviana teach social sciences in M T F.
8-I live in Bogota.
9-My friends and me do our homeworks on time.
2-TRADUCE LAS ORACIONES AFIRMATIVASporfavor es para mañana tengo muchastareas pendientes
yo también ando en las mismas de ingles :(
1. - My parents don't work at home
? Do they work at home?
No, they don't
Traducción: Mis padres trabajan en casa
2. - Juanes and Shakira don't sing in Spanish
? Do Juanes and Shakira sing in Spanish?
No, they don't
Traducción: Juanes y Shakira cantan en español
3. - Camilo and me don't study in the morning
? Do we study in the morning?
No, we don't
Traduccion: Camilo y yo estudiamos en la mañana
4. - Cali and Barranquilla doesn't have big stadiums
? Does Cali and Barranquilla have a big stadiums?
no, does not have them
Traduccion: Cali y Barranquilla tienen estadios grandes
5. - The birds doesn't fly in the sky
? Does the birds fly in the sky?
no, the birds doesn't
Traduccion: Las aves vuelan en el cielo
6. - My father and my brother don't cook lunch on Saturday.
? Do they cook lunch on Saturday?
no, they don't
Traduccion: Mi padre y mi hermano cocinan el almuerzo el sabado
7. - Ruth and viviana don't teach social sciencies in M T F
? Do they teach social sciencies in M T F?
no, they don't
Traduccion: Ruth y Viviana enseñan ciencias sociales en M T F
8. - I don't live in Bogota.
? Do you live in Bogota?
no, i don't
traduccion: yo vivo en Bogota
9. - My friends and me don't our homewor ks on time
? Do we our homeworks on time?
no, we don´t
traduccion : Mis amigos y yo hacemos las tareas a tiempo