• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lealvarvaleria21
  • hace 2 años

me ayudan porfa

1. He knows London better than _____________________________ does.
2. _____________________________ in town was in shock after the kidnapped boy was found dead.
3. Your room needs to be tidied up : You can never find _____________________________ in it.
4. There's _____________________________ strange about him ! he scares me.
5. _____________________________ must have told him the way : he has no sense of direction !
6. What a greedy child : he has eaten up _____________________________

8. There was _____________________________ left to do but sit and wait !

7. _____________________________ is more expert at it than he is !


Respuesta dada por: haoemerald


1- Anyone

2- Everyone

3- Anything

4- Something

5- Someone

6- Everything

7- Something

8- Anyone

Respuesta dada por: jaelalessandroob


No se ingles

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