• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lacuchibarbi2Beba
  • hace 9 años

Preguntas y respuesta en,ingles con whom


Respuesta dada por: solpe78
1. Whom did they honor at the banquet?
Tony did.
2. Whom will you meet tomorrow?
I'll meet the boy they I knew in Twitter.
3. In whom does the president trust the most?
In his wife.
4. With whom will you go to the movie?
I'll go with Pat.
5. Who is entering the office building, and with whom will they work when they get into the building?
6. Around whom can we discuss this private information, and who will be upset if the secret gets out?
Respuesta dada por: abelgavino


De dónde eres?

Q: Where are you from?

A: I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

¿A qué te dedicas?

Q: What do you do?

A: I’m an Industrial Engineer.

¿Dónde trabajas?

Q: Where do you work?

A: I work in an office.



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