• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rodrimiran2010rodri
  • hace 9 años

escribir una historia corta, utilice la cláusula tiempo después, antes de que, tan pronto como, al mismo tiempo utilizar los verbos para
abierta, se dan cuenta, agradezca, tratar, salir, buscar, ir, de bloqueo, mira
en ingles


Respuesta dada por: Joha1na
Two years ago some friends went to miami beach just for enjoy time togheter as soon as they arrived to miami they met angeline that was a friendly girl, she invited them to hang out with her friends for visit some turistic places, the next day all the people enjoyed all the time with their new friends because they visited the mall, beach, some churches and finally some parks that were wonderfull and beautiful too but they lost in a neighboor really dangerous and for that reason they decided to return to the hotel and that experience didn't allow remember the trip like a good memories for them
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