• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: AlejandroKovacs
  • hace 3 años

Por favor ejercicio B, dale la corona



Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

B.) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions in A:

1. When you do something caring about the consequences you clouds.

2. If a person is described as earth, they´re sensible and practical.

3. When somthing happens  wind, it happens very fast.

4. A weather is something with makes you feel happier.

5. If you´re clouds, you´re in big trouble.

6. When something water, it´s a huge succes with many people.

7. If you feel storn, you´re a bit ill.

8. A person with their sunshine is not thnking roalistically.


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