• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: KevinCabrera233
  • hace 3 años

1. Choose the correct words

a. There was / were a whiteboard in the classroom.
b. There wasn’t / weren’t any computers.
c. There was / were 28 students in my class.
d. There wasn’t / weren’t a computer room.
e. Was / Were there two sports fields for P.E.?
f. Was / Were there a piano in the music room?

2. Complete the conversation with the correct forms of there was / there were (+/-/?)

A: I remember my first school sports day. I was six.
B: ___Were there____ lots of people?
A: Yes, ________________. _________________ about 60 children and teachers.
_______________ also some parents.
B: _________________ a lot of sports?
A: Yes, _________________ sports and games.
B: ___________________ any food at the end of the day?
A: Yes, __________________. ___________________ a little party with lots of food and

3. Write questions about your first school. Then answer the questions. Use there was /
there were.

a. A computer in the classroom?
Was there a computer in the classroom?
No, there wasn’t.

b. A white board?

c. a TV?
d. pictures on the wall?
e. big windows?


Respuesta dada por: cubaanaedith432


no entiendo inglesssss

Respuesta dada por: rodriguezjoiler27


Whats? puedes explicar mas sobre que tema por fi


KevinCabrera233: El tema del trabajo es there was/ there were
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