• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Funtime269
  • hace 9 años

oracion con pollution,environment y preserve


Respuesta dada por: Konstelacion1
 10 Prayers for the Environment• Creator Spirit, we thank You for this beautiful world with its amazing varietyof animals and plants. May we never forget that we are stewards of Your Creation andthat we hold it in trust for future generations. Help us to respect the earth’s richdiversity and to share with each other and all living creatures in responsible ways.• God of love, you gave us this universe filled with your gifts. Help us toreverence all of your Creation, respecting the rights of all species, and the integrity ofthe elements, so that all Creation may live with you for all eternity.• Jesus, you loved the land and fields of flowers; bless farmers, gardeners andall who till and care for the soil.• Lord, give us your love for the whole of Creation. Rain down your Spirit uponour waters, and upon those responsible for decisions concerning the purity of our seas,rivers and lakes.• Christ Jesus, we pray for victims of starvation. Banish famine from our worldand teach us to share.• Through scientists and scholars, new knowledge comes to light; may it furtherthe quality of life for all peoples and all creatures in their journey to wholeness.• Your plundered earth, with its rich variety of endangered species, is crying outfor healing. Help us to be instruments of that healing, O Lord, and to redeem the harmwe have done to the planet.• Jesus, you taught your followers to travel lightly through life; call ourconsumer culture to a change of heart - to values that lead to life.• God, we are one in you, and all that we do affects the whole; make us aware ofour power to seed the world with good or ill by every thought, word and deed. Thegifts of the earth are distributed unevenly, we long to lift up those in need; soften thehearts of those who place personal or national gain above the good of the whole.• Heavenly Father, we pray for the World Conference on Biodiversity, whichwill take place in Japan from 18th to 29th October. We pray for the representativesfrom around the world as they seek to find ways of preserving your world – ways ofpreventing the destruction of habitats and soil, and of saving species from extinction.Guide them and give them wisdom in their decision-making, we pray, for YourName’s sake.Amen.

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