La palabra "can" en inglés indica la habilidad o posibilidad de realizar alguna acción. Esta palabra siempre debe de ser colocada antes del verbo. En caso de que se quiera indicar que algo no se puede hacer, simplemente cambiamos la palabra a "can't". Por lo tanto:
- Can es para oraciones afirmativas.
- Can't es para oraciones negativas.
Aquí las oraciones:
- She can take the children with her to Houston.
- You can go now, thank you.
- He can lend us the money which we need.
- Mary can dance with you tomorrow.
- She can be back by noon.
- She can return later.
- I can go out with my friends on Saturday.
- You can learn at least five new words every day.
- You can call her tomorrow.
- He can sleep all day.
- You can see her tomorrow.
- She can try to finish her projects on time.
- They can help you with your work.
- My students can read 1 book per week.
- You can go by plane.
- He can save some money each week.
- He can pay more attention to what the teacher says.
- It can rain this evening.
- I can see why you don't want to go.
- We can ask permission before doing it.
- He can spend more time on his homework.
- We can be in the meeting next week.
- He can feel better later.
- Jane can explain to you later.
- You can go home.
- I can rest more.
- We can write them a letter.
- You can stay there all summer.
- I can work tonight.
- We can send plans tomorrow.
- You can prepare your work more carefully.
- We can stay here at least an hour.
- She can send it by e-mail.
- The kids can wear their jackets.
- You can take this package to the post office.
- He can take a earlier flight.
- You can visit me next weekend.
- You can see the dolphins here.
- I can go to the dentist again next week.
- You can wait in his office.
- She can go to the beach with us.
- You can go out more often.
- You can publish your book next year.
- She can do her homework now.
- Arnold can sing very well.
- Elena can knit a lot of things.
- You can come to the trip if you want to.
- I can do it by myself.
- You can feed the dogs now.
- I can go out tonight.
Saludos! :)
En ingles, las oraciones con CAN (verbo modal) hacen referencia al poder o habilidad que tiene un sujeto para realizar una acción, o también la posibilidad de realizar algo. Esta forma corresponde a la conjugación en tiempo presente.
Para construir una oración afirmativa con CAN debemos cumplir con la siguiente estructura gramatical:
Sujeto + CAN + Verbo Infinitivo + Complemento
En el caso de la 3ra persona del singular, para este caso de verbo modal no se le coloca la S al final del verbo.
Creamos oraciones en afirmativo usando el verbo CAN:
- They can do it
- I can help you with your homework
- It can rain tomorrow's morning
- You can call me later
- They can play football with us
- You can take the train to go to work
- I can arrive late
- Carla can take care of herself
- I can travel around the world
- You can eat ice cream after lunch
- They can schedule an appointment by email
- She can walk in the park in the evening
- Robert can work from home
- He can stay up until late
- We can watch tv every day
Estas son otras oraciones usando CAN pero indicando la habilidad del sujeto para realizar una acción:
- Sharon can speak french
- I can run 20 Km in 4 hours
- My mother can bake good pies
- John can play the piano very well
- He can drive the car
- The birds can fly
- We can dance flamenco
- Lisa can program a computer
- Andrea and Frank can fix a car
- They can read very fast
- Silvia can understand Italian
- We can use sign language
- Bears can sleep all the winter without eating
- Maria can sing opera
- My sister can use a bike
Puedes aprende más sobre las oraciones con CAN consultando:
- 10 oraciones de habilidades con can
- 10 oraciones afirmativas con el verbo Can. 10 oraciones negativas con el verbo Can.
Asignatura: Ingles
Nivel: Bachillerato