Por favor ayudenme es para hoy.. Se trata del "PAST CONTINUOUS NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE" Dare coronita...

Respuesta dada por:
ten en cuenta que el was es para las terceras personas del plural ( she, he, it) y el were para el resto (we, they, you, I )
- were
- was
- was
- were
- was
- was
- was
- was
- was
- was
Preguntas similares
hace 3 años
hace 3 años
hace 3 años
hace 5 años
hace 5 años
hace 8 años
hace 8 años
2) The king was traveling across the country
3) The troll was cooking his dinner
4) The witch and the wizard were making new hats
5) Was the princess flying on a magic carpet? Yes, she was
6) Aladdin was flying in his magic carpet
7) Was the ogre making soup? No, it wasn´t
8) Was she making a new dress? Yes, she was
9) The dragon was attacking the castle
10) The queen was dancing in the Ball.