• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: WINYFER
  • hace 9 años



Respuesta dada por: lindadetareas
 1 I love chocolate 
2 She is beautiful 
3 He is an engenieer 
4 I study Psychology 
5 We speak English 
6 They were waiting for the bus 
7 The dog has been barking 
8 I ate pizza yesterday 
9 Spanish is a difficult language to learn 
10 I would like to travel around the world 
11. Van Gogh´s famous "Sunflowers" is one of the most expensive paintings in the world. 
12. I want to work as a cpywriter. 
13. There is an owl on the tree behind the window. 
14. Situation in Gaza is very difficult right now. 
15. Malasian plane have crushed in Ucraine. 
16. We work really hard to get our bonus. 
17. Anna speaks portuguese. 
18. Bruno is from Brasil. 
19. Today it is my mother´s birthday. 
20. I need to buy a new laptop. 

Respuesta dada por: NannyChan1
Espero que te sirvan:
-Im very nice 
-He does his homework 
-I can jump 
-She can climb 
-Is fun! 

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