Redacción en ingles sobre una relación amorosa
1° Párrafo: introducción( como lo conociste...)
2° Parrafo: acerca de la relación ( que te gusta de esa persona?/ cuanto tiempo llevais?/ que hacéis cuando tienes una discusión?/....)
3° Parrafo: Que consejos te dieron para seguir con la relación ( consejos que te dieron amigos etc...)
Respuesta dada por:
Some years ago I met a boy who used to study with me, one day, on the break, he came and told me that he fell in love with me and he wanted to come out. I said yes, now we are girl and boyfriend, and we are really happy. We go out every weekend to watch a movie or eat ice cream. As every couple, we have some problems but my friends and family told me that I have to be patient and listen at him, like this we have taken up our relation and the happiness came to us.
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