• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: v3ivianaGLuiiz
  • hace 9 años

dialogo en ingles de 2 personas saludo y despedida , ayuda porfa


Respuesta dada por: tereolmo

Margaret (an old lady in the lift): "Hello! Today is going to be a nice day, isn't it?"

Bill: "Good morning Ma'am! Well, it looks a shiny day. My name's Bill, by the way, and I'm your new neighbour".

M: "Nice to meet you, Bill. I'm Margaret."

B: "You, too. Well, see you soon, Margaret."

M: "Sure!. Good bye."


Sheila (a student on the phone): "Hi Mark, this is Sheila, have you done the homework Mr. Brown told us to do?"

Mark. "Hi. Yes, I've just finished them ten minutes ago. Have you, Sheila?

Sheila: "Well, the only problem was with page 55, I couldn't finish it."

M: "I´ll send you mine, if you want. So that you can see how I did it. All right?

S: "Thank you, Mark. It's very kind of you. See you tomorrow in class. Good night!"

M: "Bye!"

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