Hi! I am Pow
I am 103 years old
I have got three hands and three legs
My nose is very big
I have got two eyes.
One eye is small and the other is big
They are my best friends: Fify and Mud
Fify is 102 years old
She is pink and pretty
(esta es la parte que está arriba de Pow xd)
She has got two hands and four legs
Her nose is big and she has got two eyes
Mud is 104 years old
He is orange and funny
He has got six legs and four arms
His nose is very big and he has got five eyes!
- El 'Am' se usa solo cuando hablamos de nosotros mismos, o sea con 'I'. Ejemplo: 'I am the best'
- El 'Is' se usa solo con los subjects en singular (she, he, it). Ejemplos: She is my friend, He is my friend, It is my dog.
- El 'Are' (que en este caso no hay ninguna oración con este) se usa con los subjects en plurar, salvo el you en singular (aunque no sé por qué xd): we, you (singular, en español 'tú' o 'usted'), you (plural, o sea en español sería 'ustedes'). Ejemplos: We are friends, you are my friend, you are my friends.
- 'Have' por regla se usa con: 'I', 'we', 'you' 'they'.
- 'Has' se usa solo con: 'She', 'He' e 'It'.
Espero se entienda y espero haberte ayudado uwu