• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Rayv
  • hace 3 años

Ayuda no quiero hacer

2- Write the sentences to the negative form. Use: don’t or doesn’t

1 .Kathy gets up late on Saturday.

Kathy doesn’t get up late on Saturday.

2. We like pop music.


3. She has a flat screen TV.


4 Fred goes online in the evening.


5. Martin and Betty have lunch at 12: 30.



Unscramble the negatives sentences.

1. don’t / cooking / we / like


2. don’t / the kids / TV / their / in / have / a / room



Respuesta dada por: kamij7


2: We don't like pop music

3: She doesn't have a flat screen TV

4: Fred doesn't go online in the evening

5: Martin and Betty don't have lunch at 12:30.


1- We don't like cooking

2- The kids don't have a TV in their room

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