• Asignatura: Historia
  • Autor: keyla9630
  • hace 3 años

quien usaba el hierro para la elaboración de armas para uso cotidiano japón, india o china ​


Respuesta dada por: mercadocesar085


Indian religion: Hinduism, Japan syncretism and Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism and Taoism

Location: Asian continent in the Middle Ages were in the current territories of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

organization: China relies on a power structure that includes three fundamental areas: the party, the leadership, subordinates. Japan is a constitutional monarchy with a bicametral parliament. india: it is a federal republic.

Contributions: china: gunpowder, drills, ovens, gossip. japan: swords, scalpels. india: the statue, writing, bronze and sugar.

keyla9630: Thank you gracias
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