• Asignatura: Castellano
  • Autor: juan1234xd
  • hace 2 años

ayúdenme tengo que entregar tengo que hacer !"adjetivos posesivos"! les pongo corona así me resuelven pliss​



Respuesta dada por: sofiarendano


  1. your car is new.
  2. that is my cousin, her name is Maggie.
  3. Their grandparents are very good.
  4. our school is in Saint Martin de Porres district.
  5. my dog is fast, it's tail is long.
  6. Victor! Where is your sister?
  7. His mother is in the market.
  8. My girlfriend is Millet.
  9. Lima is a city. it's houses are small.
  10. George is a pilot his plane is in airport.
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