• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: juanjoxd2009
  • hace 2 años

ayuda es para hoy porfa que estoy mal en la materia


juanjoxd2009: respondan lo que quieran alguien ya me respondio


Respuesta dada por: bycb97


1) are not = aren't

am = 'm

are = 're

am not = 'm not

is not= isn't


We're good at computer games...

Eric and his friends are into football

I'm not into pop music

The New Star War film is  amazing!

You aren't in Paul's class

Our teacher isn't from the UK


Football is a boring sport / Football isn't a sport

My friends are into computer games / My friends aren't into computer games

English is an easy language / English isn't an easy language

Old films are interesting / Old films aren't interesting

One Direction is my favorite band /One direction isn't my favorite band

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