• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alexamg078
  • hace 3 años

Exercise. Make the past simple.

1) I __________________________(come) to England in 1993.

2) She __________________________(stand) under a tree to shelter from the rain.

3) They ____________________________(do) their homework yesterday.

4) We ____________________________(sing) too much last night - I have a sore throat!

5) He already ___________________(eat) all the cake.

6) The child ________________(fall) off his bicycle.

7) It ____________________(take) three hours to drive to Paris.

8) I _____________________(find) your keys under the table.

9) She ___________________(get) a new bike for her birthday.

10) She ______________(sell) her house last year.​


Respuesta dada por: dannygr


1. came

2. stood

3. did

4. song

5. ate

6. fell

7. toke

8. found

9. got

10. sold

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