• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: arielpedroluna
  • hace 3 años



Activity N° 4: Complete the sentences using the

negative forms of the verb TO BE: am not, is not,

are not.

(Completa las otraciones negativas usando am not, is

not, are not.)

1) We ………………………. Chinese.

2) She ……………….……….a cook.

3) They ……………………… from Italy.

4) I …………………………… in the park.

5) He ………………………… at school.

6) You ………………………… a doctor.

7) It ……………… a cat.

Activity N° 5: Now, complete the sentences using

the short negative forms: ´m not, isn´t, aren´t.

(Ahora, completa las oraciones usando las formas

negativas cortas o abreviadas: ´m not, isn´t, aren´t)

1) We ………………………. Chinese.

2) She ……………….……….a cook.

3) They ……………………… from Italy.

4) I …………………………… in the park.

5) He ………………………… at school.

6) You ………………………… a doctor.​


Respuesta dada por: ghys


Activity n°4

1. We are not Chinese.

2. She is not a cook.

3. They are not from Italy.

4. I am not in the park.

5. He is not at school.

6. You are not a doctor.

7. It is not a cat.

Activity n°5

1. We aren't Chinese.

2. She isn't a cook.

3. They aren't from Italy.

4. I'm not in the park.

5. He isn't at school.

6. You aren't a doctor.


Are se usa para los pronombres You, We, They

Is se usa para los pronombres He, She, It

Am se usa para el pronombre I

en las abreviaciones con el I am, se abrevia el I am a I'm, pero el not sigue estando allí. Y en los pronombres are, is se les agrega n't

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