asymptomatic (adj) = asintomático
Some individuals who are infected with the coronavirus can spread it even though they have no symptoms, known as asymptomatic transmission.
breathing difficulties (noun) -dificultades respiratorias
Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.
carrier (noun) – portador
A Chinese disease carrier faces jail in Singapore for lying about movements
contagious (also infectious) (adj) – contagioso o infeccioso
Another key unknown is how contagious the coronavirus is.
contact tracing (noun) – rastreo de contactos
One of the ways we protect the public from infectious diseases like novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is contact tracing
corona (noun) – latin for “crown”
Under a microscope, these viruses are characterized by circles with spikes ending in little blobs which look like crowns.
COVID-19 (CoronaVirus Disease) (noun)
COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.
diagnose (verb) – diagnosticar
We need a cheap way to diagnose coronavirus so we can quickly detect and contain the disease.
diarrhea (noun) – diarrea
Gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting and diarrhea) have been reported.
droplet (noun) – gota
People are wearing masks to guard against the disease carried in droplets when infected people sneeze or cough.
fatality (also mortality rate) (noun) – fatalidad, tasa de mortalidad
Coronavirus fatality rates vary wildly depending on age, gender and medical history
incubation period (noun) – periodo de incubación
The incubation period of the novel COvid-19 coronavirus could be as long as 27 days
isolation (noun) – aislamiento
Travellers arriving from infected areas are immediately put in isolation.
outbreak (noun) / break out (verb) – brote (nombre), estallar (verbo)
What will the government do if there is a coronavirus outbreak and how prepared is the health service?
pandemic (noun) – pandemia
The rapid spread of the novel coronavirus is raising the spectre of a global pandemic as governments ramp up their emergency responses.
PCR test (noun) – prueba PCR
Several international groups have been working from these sequence data to design primers for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests (one of the tools that doctors use to diagnose the coronavirus).
son muchas xd espero qk te ayude =) y si puedes me das Coronita