• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: stivenpalacios600
  • hace 3 años

Activity: Order the following words to make sentences (in English) and then translate them into Spanish 1 Sundays. go bed late I to on sometimes. - I sometimes go to bed late on Sundays. 2 breakfast. for We don't eggs usually have - We don't usually have eggs for breakfast. 3 always in morning. the a shower They have - they always have a shower in the morning. 4 never at She weekend. housework the does - she never does the housework at weekend. 5 bus. to goes Daniel by work usually _______________________________________________ 6 You lunch. never gym the go before to _____________________________________________ 7 I finish Fridays. sometimes work early on ___________________________________________ 8 You on sport watch always TV! __________________________________________________ 9 at late school. I never am______________________________________________________ 10 always can help He his father. __________________________________________________ 11 sometimes house We the share chores. ____________________________________________ 12 evening? go the often out Do in you_______________________________________________ 13 do shopping? you How often go _________________________________________________ 14 always hiking at You the week-end. go_____________________________________________ 15 after homework I usually my school. do____________________________________________ 16 around. always friends He with hanging his _________________________________________ 17 personal never We ask questions. ________________________________________________ 18 often angry? he Is


Respuesta dada por: alforuiz999

1)-On sundays I go to bed late sometimes=Los domigos me voy tarde a la cama.

2)-We don't ussualy have eggs for breakfast=Nosotros casi nunca comemos huevos en el desayuno.

3)-Always in the morning they have a shower=En la mañana ellos siempre se bañan.

4)-She never do houseworks at the weekend=Ella nunca hace tareas domesticas el fin de semana.

5)-Daniel goes to work by bus=Daniel va a trabajar en autobús.

6)-You never go to lunch before the gym=Tú nunca vas a almorzar después del gimnasio.

7)-Sometimes I finish  work early on Fridays=A veces termino de trabajar tarde  los viernes.

8)-You always watch sports on TV=Tú siempre miras deportes en la TV.

9)-I never late at school=Nunca voy tarde a la escuela.

10)-He always can help his father=Él siempre puede ayudar a su padre.

11)-Sometimes in the house we share the chores=A veces en la casa compartimos coros.

12)-Do you often go out in the evening?=¿Quieres salir en la tarde?

alforuiz999: No puse más porq no me alcanzaba B
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