• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: laethpatricia
  • hace 9 años

12 oraciones con adjetivos


Respuesta dada por: MartínezTurunen
No importa cuales adjetivos sean?

laethpatricia: no no importan
MartínezTurunen: Ok...
MartínezTurunen: 1. I was bored in the party
2. Is very pleasant be with you today
3. You have to be very careful with that
4. He is a gentle man
5. I was very worried about the exam
6. Alejandro is very intelligent
7. I have a new car
8. The homework was very easy
9. I’m so happy today
10. You need to be patient
Respuesta dada por: ElRishars7u7
Algun adjetivo en especial  ?
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