• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: daianavillalbapinto
  • hace 3 años

5 Circle the correct word.
Hi, my name’s Rob and I’m from England. I am /
have / is fourteen years old. My (a) sisters / sister’s /
sister name is Clare. She (b) is / has / has got
thirteen years old. She (c) is / has got /have got
long red hair and green eyes. She (d) is / has /
are tall and thin. (e) Her / His / Its favourite sport
is volleyball. I (f) am / has got / have got lots of
friends, but my best friend is Will. He has got long
dark hair and brown eyes. (g) Her / His / Your
favourite singer is Drake. (h) Will is / Will’s / Will
favourite sport is football. He (i) has / have /
has got a big house. (j) There is / There are /
They are four bedrooms and huge living room.

6 Answer the questions about the text
in Activity 5.
Where is Rob from?
a How old is Rob’s sister?
b Has Clare got short hair?
c Is tennis her favourite sport?
d Has Will got brown eyes?
e How many bedrooms are there in Will’s house?

daianavillalbapinto: responder cual es la respuesta en ingles


Respuesta dada por: sammeleza0w063


a ¿Qué edad tiene la hermana de Rob?

b ¿Clare tiene el pelo corto?

c ¿Es el tenis su deporte favorito?

d ¿Will tiene ojos marrones?

e ¿Cuántos dormitorios hay en la casa de Will?


daianavillalbapinto: podes responder la respuestas en ingles ?
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