TRADUCCIÓN: Escribe un resumen de la historia de Manco Capac y Mama Ocllo.
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ESPAÑOL: La leyenda dice que el Dios Inti (Sol) hizo salir del Lago Titicaca a sus hijos Manco Cápac y Mama Ocllo para darles el compromiso de establecer un avance humano. Aclamando, Manco Cápac y Mama Ocllo establecieron la ciudad de Cusco como era la petición del Dios Inti. Con la progresión del tiempo.
INGLÉS: The legend says that the God Inti (Sun) made his sons Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo leave Lake Titicaca to give them the commitment to establish a human advance. Cheering, Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo established the city of Cusco as was the request of the God Inti. With the progression of time.
Legend of Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo For Children
The legend says that the God Inti (Sun) made his sons Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo leave Lake Titicaca to give them the commitment to establish a human advance.
To support them, he gave them a Golden Scepter and asked them to settle in that place where the Scepter would sink effortlessly.
Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo walked for a long time looking for that guaranteed land, until one day, when they landed at the foot of the Huanacaure hill and raised their Scepter, it immediately sank.
Cheering, Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo established the city of Cusco as was the request of the God Inti.
With the progression of time. Manco Cápac, instructed the men to develop the land, to chase, to mount houses, and different things of advantage. Mother Ocllo taught the ladies to weave llama fleece to make garments, as well as to cook and take care of the house