• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: evelynnayelypimentel
  • hace 3 años

como se escribe estas oraciones en forma negativa
1.- he went to school yesterday
2.-They ate lunch at the cafeteria
3.-My sister played basketball
4.-Ivread a newspaper on the train.
5.-It rained last week.
6.-I felt sick, so I saw a doctor.
7.-Thomas had a good time at the party.
8.- Susan liked the movi.
9.-I saw you at the shopping mall on saturday.
10.-My wife bought a new hat this moming.

Por favor ayúdenme


Respuesta dada por: ArbildoTorres


1.-he did not go to school yesterday.

2.-they did not have lunch in the cafeteria.

3.-My sister didn't play basketball.

4.-no Read a newspaper on the train.

5.-It did not rain last week.

6.-I did not feel bad, so I did not go to see a doctor. 7.-Thomas did not have a good time at the party.

8.- Susan didn't like the movi.

9.-I didn't see you at the mall on Saturday.

10.-My wife didn't buy a new hat this morning.



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