1. Verbs in Past Tense.
Got up - levantaron
Drank - bebieron
Ate - Comieron
Took - tomaron
Went - fueron
Saw - Vieron
Had lunch - almorzaron
Came back - regresaron
Watched - vi
Listened - escuchó
Slept - Durmió
2. Answer the questions.
a. Yes, she got up at 8 o'clock.
b. No, they didn't take a taxi.
c. No, he didn't go to bed early.
d. No, he didn't have breakfast at home.
e. Yes, they had lunch in a restaurant.
f. Yes, she drank coffee at a Snack Bar.
3. Underline the correct Verb.
a. played
b. ate
c. studied
d. went
En las Oraciones Afirmativas de Pasado Simple Debemos tener en cuenta que hay dos tipos de Verbos Regulares e Irregulares.
A los Verbos Regulares se les agrega D o ED cuando cambian a pasado y los Verbos.Irregulares cambian su forma en pasado.
En las oraciones Negativas de Pasado Simple Complementamos al Verbo con un Auxiliar Negativo Didn't por tanto el Verbo se coloca en su forma base ( presente )