• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kimseokmin15
  • hace 3 años

Re write the senteces using simple past.
A) María Curie is a phaysicist and chemist.
B) In France she meets and marries a scientist called pierre Curie.
C) María and Pierre Discover two radioactive elements, radium and polonium.
Me ayudan plis ​


Respuesta dada por: carodianis21


A) María Curie was a phaysicist and chemist.

B) In France she met and married a scientist called pierre Curie.

C) María and Pierre discovered two radioactive elements, radium and polonium.

Espero que te ayude :) ​

kimseokmin15: gracias
Respuesta dada por: angeladelafuente1c


a). ...................

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