• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ar1168032
  • hace 3 años

transform the sentences into negations.

1- he was very pleased with his grades

a) he didn't be very pleased with his grades.
b) he was not very pleased with his grades.
c) he wasn't be very pleased with his grades.

2- she forgot her plane ticket

a) she didn't forgot her plane ticket.
b) she did not forgot her plane ticket.
c) she did not forget her plane ticket.

ayudaa porfavorr :(​


Respuesta dada por: AleixPlayz


1. He was not very pleased with his grades.

2. She did not forget her plane ticket.


1. Solo hay que añadir "not" para cambiar el verbo a forma de negación.

2. Como el verbo principal "forgot" está en pasado, al convertir la oración a negación se pasa a presente el verbo principal (forget) y se pone "did not" que es un verbo auxiliar que indica que la oración está en pasado.

Espero que te haya servido :)

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