• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: paolahernandez303
  • hace 3 años

1. Chose the correct verb in past to these sentences: a) My mother _______a delicious soup. * 1 punto cooked cooking cook b) They __________ him a nice present in his birthday. * 1 punto gave give giving c) I ________ soccer yesterday. * 1 punto play playing played 2. Complete the senteces with the Simple past: a) My brother __________(read) a book. * 1 punto reading red read b) Julian and Tere ___________ ( not watch) movies. * 1 punto didn't watched didn't watch did watched c) __________ you ________(eat) spaguetti? * 1 punto Do/ eating Didn't / ate Did / eat 3. Chose: was/were, wasn't or weren't a) She __________ at school yesterday? * 1 punto were where was b) They _________ in New York the last month. * 1 punto weren't wasn't was c) _________ you at the cinema yesterday? * 2 puntos Were Wasn't Was 4. Chose the correct option to these sentences using past "used to" a) She _____________( live) in Zacatecas. * 2 puntos used to live using to live use to live b) They_________ work here. * 2 puntos didn't use to did used to don't used to ________ he _______(dance) Salsa. * 2 puntos Did/ use to dance Did/ using dance Did/ used to dance 5. Chose the correct option in past progressive to these sentences: a) Mary __________(play) with dolls. * 2 puntos was playing was played were playing b) My father and my mother ________(dance) the last night. * 0 puntos weren't dancing wasn't dancing dancing c) __________ you _________(write) letters. * 2 puntos Was/write Did/writing Were/ writing


Respuesta dada por: itachiuchihaofi690


Explicación:1- Wasn't

2- Weren't

3- Were

4- Used to live

5- Didn't use to

6-  Did, use to dance

7- Was playing

8- Weren't dancing

9- Were, writing

Respuesta dada por: JOAQUINBOE


gracias por los puntos, perdon v:


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