es llenar los espacios, porfa ayuda es urgente.
responda el que sepa ingles
1: My mother usually makes dinner, but today my father will make dinner
2: We Always study on our notebooks, but today we will study on the board
3: Sabrina always reads the newspaper, but today she will read a magazine
4: Today my brother went to school by car, but he always go to school by bike
5:Today the children will play in the park, but they always play in the school gym
6: My brother usually have lunch at schoo, but today he will have lunch at home
7:Tom usually listen to rock music, but today he will be listen Pop Music
En la número 7 no se si hay un error de copiado o algo asi, porque no existe
la palabra "Por" en inglés, asi que de seguro sea "Pop"
8: On fridays we usually eat pizza, but today we will eat chicken
Espero que te haya ayudado