• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Diauwu
  • hace 3 años

(Lea las oraciones. En cada una hay un error con relación a la conjugación verbal. Subraye con color cada error y escriba la corrección en la línea)

1. My dentist work at the private clinic in the afternoon. _______________________

2. Miss. Porras rarely gos to the office by bus. _______________________

3. The doctors doesn’t have a specific work schedule. _______________________

4. My sister studys laws at the U.C.R ________________________

5. Marcos and Leonel fixes computers and printers. ________________________

6. The lawyers talkes to their clients before the trial. ________________________

7. The Math teacher check the practices in class. ________________________

8. The good secretary don’t ask unnecessary questions. ________________________


Respuesta dada por: lilyquero2577


1. My dentist works at the private clinic in the afternoon.

2. Miss. Porras rarely goes to the office by bus.

3. The doctors don't have a specific work schedule.

4. My sister studies laws at the U.C.R

5. Marcos and Leonel fix computers and printers.

6. The lawyers talk to their clients before the trial.

7. The Math teacher checks the practices in class.

8. The good secretary doesn't ask unnecessary questions.


Todo lo que está en negrita son las correcciones

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